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In a Nutshell

We provide our services to clients who wish to develop, build new or re-model old houses. 


When renovating, we are particular about remaining true to the architectural style, proportions, volumes, features, materials etc, so whatever the changes or additions to our clients’ house, they seem to have always been there.

Our “a la carte” services include:


Conceptual design - the critical start: We take all the time that is necessary to listen to the client and create the design that meets all his/her requirements.  We are on the client's side.


Architect selection: We propose Architects that we believe are suitable for the work.  Professional, creative, with a strong understanding of Council requirements and procedures for speedy permissions.

Builder selection: We search for the right Builder and recommend experienced, reliable, dependable, accountable ones, who find creative solutions to unexpected building challenges.


Monitoring/Coordination of all trades:  Architect, Engineer, Builder, Contractors, Interior Designer, Landscape Architect – project management.

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