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“Why move, when you can improve”?

Our house remodelling services are designed for those who chose not to move.

You love the house you own. It has character, charm, a history, warmth, quirky features, and it carries your mark, but…


Yesterday’s needs have changed.  Your family and life has evolved, more children (or grand-children) are on the way, or they are flying the nest.  Perhaps you need a home office, more space or simply change the house layout.

Daneswood Concepts
Daneswood Concepts

Your house is showing signs of age, you are ready for a change.  As exciting as moving sounds, it is actually a costly exercise and more of a hassle than anyone imagines.  The cost of the ever-rising Stamp Duty, the Estate Agent’s commission, solicitor’s fees, the valuation, the mortgage, the move, the new appliances, decoration, curtains, furniture, landscaping etc.

Moving is disruptive.  You need to find a new house, a buyer for your existing home, organise your finances.  Think water, electricity and gas suppliers, BT and Sky.  Think of the time spent on change of address notifications, internet accounts, banks, insurance, post office and other administrative matters.  Will your children need to change school?  Think of the “fun” of boxing and un-boxing all your belongings.  What about leaving your neighbours and getting acquainted with new ones?

More often than not, a simpler solution is to modify your existing house to meet your evolving lifestyle. It can sound overwhelming with many questions like “What should we do? Renovate? Remodel? Extend?”, “How do we do it?”, “Where do we start?”, “Who should we contact to help?”

This is where Daneswood Concepts come in.

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